Teacher instructing a student at the computer.

Mathematics: Concentration Data Science



的 Data Science concentration is a good fit for students who like to apply mathematics to solve real-world problems in business, economics, finance, medical, physics, engineering, 以及其他领域. A data scientist creates sophisticated mathematical models using machine learning and predictive analytics techniques to analyze the data. 这个程序 prepares students for employment or further graduate study in data science, economics, applied statistics, 计算方法, and engineering.

Data science is an emerging field that incorporates mathematics, statistics, and programming to develop and apply methodologies to solve problems in the real world. 有一个 high demand for data science professionals across many industries including technology, public health, business, insurance, banking, environment, and others. 联邦调查局 Labor Statistics reports that jobs for data scientists will increase faster than the average until the year of 2028. As of February 2021, the average salary for a data 科学家是113,609美元.

数学系 & 365bet的统计学成绩是B.S. 数学:数据 Science concentration, to train students who can promptly obtain positions in industry 激发新的发现. Graduates of this program will have the theoretical, practical, and comprehensive knowledge about data analysis that helps to become Data analyst, Predictive Analyst, Quantitative analyst, Financial Analyst, and Researchers. 的 Department has dedicated full-time faculty members and features small class sizes. All classes are taught by professors and instructors satisfying 365bet 教师 Qualifications 矩阵. Many classes are conducted in modern computer labs, and all classrooms are “smart” classrooms, allowing projector-based demonstrations and lectures.

数学系 和统计数据 is one of the institutions that offers in 它(B.S.) degree a variety of concentrations (Actuarial Science, Statistics, Data Science) and multiple Master’s Degree (M.S.) and Professional Science Management (Predictive Analytics, Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Finance). Currently there are more than 80 students in the Master’s program. Mathematical Finance and Predictive Analysis is offered 100% online as well as on-campus. Students' have frequent opportunities to attend conferences and present their research while working closely with the mathematical 金融学院.  

B.S. 数学:数据 Science concentration, is innovative, professionally relevant, valuable, an consists of 120-credits that can be completed in four years. Students can also complete their degree more quickly by taking summer courses. 一个核心 collection of classes in linear algebra, probability, mathematical statistics, machine learning, time series analysis, mathematical modeling, and predictive analytics are 可供学生使用. 的se courses help the students to gain knowledge and skills in data manipulation, data visualization, data mining, and programming in R, SAS, 和Python.

的 faculty in the Data Science concentration have experience teaching mathematics/statistics/programming at undergraduate and graduate level. All full-time professors have completed terminal degrees in various mathematics/statistics fields and part-time faculty members have many years of real-world experience in different mathematical/statistics disciplines. Many faculty are engaged in multi-disciplinary research and are active in local, state, and national professional mathematics organizations.



Sample Course Plan and General Education Requirements

Data Science Sample 4 Year Plan


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